How do I change the clock on my radar detector?

To change the time you will need to adjust a setting or two in the Option Select Mode.

Press the MENU button to enter the Option Select Mode
Each time you press MENU, you will cycle to the next option
Look for an option that says “GMT -5” (the number may vary based on your current setting)
Use the DARK or QUIET button to adjust the number up or down, respectively, to set it to the proper offset based on your timezone

Eastern = GMT -5
Central = GMT -6
Mountain = GMT -7
Pacific = GMT -8
Hawaii-Aleutian = GMT -10

Press MENU one more time to get to the option “DST YES” or “DST NO”
Press the DARK or QUIET button to turn Daylight Savings Time on (YES) or off (NO)
Wait 20 seconds or press POWER to exit the Option Select Mode
2 beeps will indicate the changes were saved and the display will return to showing the clock

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