There is nothing showing on my monitor. What do I do?

If nothing is showing on the monitor, the monitor and the unit are likely not paired or not paired correctly.

To pair the unit, follow these steps:

  1. Charge the camera before use

    Connect the supplied USB cord to the micro USB port of the camera assembly.
    Plug the USB cable into any standard USB charger with an output rating of 500ma or higher.
    Charge 4 to 5 hours.

  2. Power the monitor on

  3. Touch the menu button then the up or down arrow to select SETUP, then touch the enter button.

  4. With PAIR icon selected, touch the enter button to begin the pair process

  5. Connect both solar cell connections to turn on the camera

  6. Pair OK will be displayed when the pairing process is completed.

The monitor should display what the camera is seeing.

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